Are you looking to improve the oxygen quality in your home? Or perhaps you have dampness issues in the basement or in a particular room. Whatever the case may be, if you’re not in the market for a proper air purifier or dehumidifier then you should be.
These two machines offer so much to improve the air quality in your home. But, most people assume that they perform the same function. Let me tell you, they certainly do not. Needing cleaner air and wanting to get rid of the dampness in your basement are two totally different problems.
So the question is, when it comes to a purifier Vs. a dehumidifier, which one is best for you? Well, we hope to break that information down in this article and help you determine the difference and exactly which machine is the one to solve your air quality needs.
Air Purifier Vs. Dehumidifier Comparisons
Type | Features |
Air Purifier |
Dehumidifier |
Air Purifier Vs. Dehumidifier Pros & Cons
Type | PROS | CONS |
Air Purifier |
Dehumidifier |
A Deeper Look Into The Two Machines
Not only do you have to choose whether or not a purifier or dehumidifier is right for you, you also have to figure out which type of each would work best. There are many types of air machines as well as a few different kinds of dehumidifiers, so knowing these options will help you narrow down the search.
Oxygen Purifiers
These types of air cleaners use something called corona discharge to purify the air of microscopic debris
The more common type uses a HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) to circulate the room and spit out clean oxygen.
Ozone Generating
These work similarly to the ionic types by actually changing the makeup of the oxygen levels by altering their molecules.
Uses absorbent materials and substances to trap odors, smoke, and debris.
UV Lighting
Sucks in dirty air and kills any germs and other micro-organisms with a powerful blast of UV light.
Sucks in the heavy, moist air and draws it over cold coils. This traps and removes the water from the air.
Uses absorbent materials to hold the water in the oxygen we breathe. Like a sponge.
Uses what is called a Peltier pump to filter the wet air over a cool area and trap vapor. It’s known to be quieter and more energy efficient which is great for residential homes.
A more complex unit and mostly used in commercial settings. It uses a high-tech ionic membrane to filter the oxygen and trap the water.
Let’s Look at a Few, Shall We?
Now that we’ve covered the many different types of machines available, let’s narrow it down and look at a few that are perfect for residential use since that’s the main focus of this article.
Using a dehumidifier or air purifier for mold. If you have a damp basement then you may want to use a dehumidifier to lower moisture levels but, depending on how long you’ve had the problem, you may also need a purifier to remove any mold spores. If this is you, then check out this Frigidaire model and this GermGuardian air purifier. Using an air cleaner or dehumidifier for mold is essential for this problem.
So, to revert back to the question at hand; an air purifier Versus a dehumidifier, which one is best for you? Well, that answer will differ for everyone, obviously. But for me, the best one is the Frigidaire heavy-duty dehumidifier because I live in an extremely damp coastal climate and really depend on a unit like this to keep moisture levels down in my nice home. Also, a dehumidifier or air purifier for allergies is really great; my kids are both super sensitive during the Summer months and the windows are always open. These two machines really help them to breathe easier. To summarize, a purifier only cleans the oxygen we breathe while a dehumidifier removes heavy moisture levels (which actually helps with purifying a bit). So ask yourself, which one do you need? Or do you need both? If you have any questions regarding these two machines feel free to comment. And share your success stories with us! Share which product worked best for you and why. We love to hear from our readers.
Last update on 2024-09-12 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API